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Posted By Rhino on 03/25/07 - Bookmark Skank Bomb
Cheerleader Auditions

All right its September and that only means one thing if you are a man. Its time for some football, thats right so many people wait for just this time of year, its the time where all the guys start there fantasy football and it means that sundays are for football not church.

We do watch football but most of the time its to see those hot ass cheerleaders on the side lines in short skirts and small tops. They also have to try out for that team but they call it cheerleader audtions. Well I found this site that gives you access to some cheerleader auditions and not just any auditions these are some triple x rated shit, dont believe me just take a look at Courtney.

Courtney wanted to be head cheerleader so bad that she gave some good head to the coach at She took his spirt stick and road it like the true whore she was. It is some good shit if you like to see hot teens in cheerleader uniforms getting fucked. This almost reminds me of that movie Bring It On, its all about freaky teens doing that cheerleader shit, check it out at So if you like Bring It On then you will like

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Blogged Under: Springbreak
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Posted By Rhino on 03/18/07 - Bookmark Skank Bomb
vipcrew party

Me and the crew were on a little vacation in Hawaii when one of the guys hit me up on the cell phone and told me about a luau that was going on. I wasn’t going to go until he said there was going to be drunk college girls there. Those three words are like music to my ears.

We hit the party, got some drinks and saw that my buddy was right, there were hot bitches in grass skirts everywhere. This one drunk slut started shaking her round ass in my face and I just about took a bite. A couple of drunk party girls came over to me and started dancing with me. I was grinding on them, they were grinding on me and then they started grinding on each other. These sexy coeds started making out right there in the middle of the party.

I knew I needed to act fast before they came to their sense so I grabbed the girls, got my buddy and headed back to our hotel where we set up the camera and tag teamed these bitches. They really let loose and went wild as we fucked their brains out.

All the exploits of the famous VIP Crew are up on our website. We travel all over the globe and throw big ass parties that we invite a lot of hot girls to. These girls get a little booze in them and they let their inhibitions fly. Every party ends up having some crazy chick getting pounded like a nail into sheet rock right there in the middle of the party.

At we don’t fuck around with people and promise them everything and then deliver something else. When you get your pass to our parties, you will witness the wildest, most insane and hottest fucking parties your perverted eyes have ever seen.

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Blogged Under: Public Sex
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