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Posted By Rhino on 08/26/16 - Bookmark Skank Bomb


I really hate the word best. Seriously. I hate it with a passion of a thousand burning suns. The reason why I hate the word best is because it’s purely subjective. Even if you have one brain cell left I know you will get this point: what’s good for you might not be good for me. What’s best for you might be flat out horrible for me. It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out why this is the case. You obviously come from a totally different background, you have different experiences, you look at the world differently and I’m happy for that. That means you and I are very different from each other.

The problem with the best is that it assumes that what’s best for you is, by definition, the best for me. I have serious problems with that. This is why the whole idea of looking for “the best dating site” is a joke. You have to remember that the best dating site for some reviewer out there might flat out suck donkey dick for you. Really. Seriously, Why? Nine times out of ten the guys who make a full time living reviewing these types of online adult entertainment do it for a reason. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the reason. It’s all about the money. And this creates all sorts of conflicts of interest. In most cases the best reviews are reserved for websites that actually pay for every sign up that review gets. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture?

The reviewer doesn’t have your best interest in mind. In fact, the reviewer doesn’t give a damn about you. All the reviewer cares about is the amount of money he or she will be banking for every sucker that dating site review reels in. You need to have your head screwed on right or else you’d be ripped of either your money or your time.

Posted By Admin on 08/19/16 - Bookmark Skank Bomb


Hustler is a super porn network that’s made up of around 19 wicked sites. I don’t need to tell you guys anything about the name Hustler, we all know what quality action it brings. Years ago we used to buy their magazine but nowadays we can view all the hot babes from the comfort of our computer chairs.

Over the years the models at Hustler have gotten better and better, besides being able to see them engaging in hot sex acts that are caught on camera, you can still get that personal touch that you used to get when reading about them in the Hustler magazine.

There are well over 11,000 scenes on the sites now and 1000’s of picture galleries. While most of the older videos are just standard quality stuff the newer ones are shot in crystal clear HD action. Visiting this network really brought a lot of good memories flowing back to me, make your mind remember all that quality that comes with the hustler network!

I’m so ready to get 19 sites with the Hustler discount network pass, I’m licking my lips at the thought of all that action being right at my fingertips. I might start out by visiting some of the archived girls that I used to bat off to many years ago, after that I’ll look for a few other Porno Discounts!

Blogged Under: Big Cocks
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