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Posted By Admin on 05/02/17 - Bookmark Skank Bomb

I’ve learned that money talks the loudest – and mostly from the scenes at BoxTruckSex! Truck sex has never been hotter with their design. Their crew heads out to busy European cities and roams the crowded sidewalks until they find a particularly hot girl. Once they find her, they chat her up and try their hardest to convince her to step back into their truck. After all, she looks hot enough to be a model, and they have the cash to pay for a woman willing to come take some shots with them in their truck.

And what woman can resist some extra money? Sometimes they even find a woman who was window shopping, and she’s even easier to convince! Once they have these hot women back into their truck, the crew just opens their wallet and offers more and more money to get these women to strip off their clothing – and most do it! I love watching and these women get naked piece by piece until they’re entirely naked in the middle of traffic. Who doesn’t love hardcore sex in public? And of course, that’s what’s coming next!

It usually takes a lot more money to get these women to agree to have truck sex, but the crew is good at what they do, and they convince her to consider it, bit by bit, as they ask her to masturbate and then move onto more intimate acts. By the time the sex has started, most of these women forget they were doing it for the money, and it’s clear that they’re really enjoying it!

Check it out. Your money will get you access to tons of public sex videos with hotties that you’re going to love.

Blogged Under: Public Sex
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