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Posted By Admin on 02/04/19 - Bookmark Skank Bomb

I had a buddy once that whenever it came to women he was always the one that scored. I was so jealous all the time I look back and wonder how the hell we were friends to begin with. As I got older and more experienced I started to discover the art of chatting up girls online and nowadays I am always getting the pussy.

There are no secrets when it comes to messing around with live webcam girls. Some guys might say you’ve got to do this and then the cam girl will be yours, others might say something totally different. I sure don’t claim to have all the answers but I do claim that at least for me I know what works and what doesn’t.

First and foremost don’t ever make any demands from that hot girl looking back at you on cam. If you do that’s the fastest way to make them move on and show you no attention at all. It really just comes down to respect and showing them that you can be the man of their dreams. Talk to them nicely, show them a little love and in return, you’ll get the same. That’s what I’ve learned and however simple it sounds it does work!

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