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Posted By Rhino on 12/23/12 - Bookmark Skank Bomb
3LsS5J95QS 226831 2fLSnYhRGf

Two of these ladies aren’t really ladies. Can you tell which ones are which? Is it is the blonde porn star? The high school girl from Mexico? The fake tits babe in the pool hiding her Adam’s apple?

Find out which of these babes is a shemale at” rel=”nofollow” “. Once you have your gauge working correctly send the link to some of your friends or share it at a party on your phone. See how many of your friends would end up getting piped in the ass if they passed out with a tranny at the party.


Use the barcode scanner app in your cell phone to load into your phones Internet browser and then share it.

I whipped out an iPad last night at a party and tested a group of friends only to find out one of them has been banging tranny girls are years. They aren’t my cup of tea, but he had no shame in doing it.

Blogged Under: Bikinis,Multi Models
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Posted By on 05/28/10 - Bookmark Skank Bomb


What do you think,tie to switch to Miller Lite?  Typically a Coors Light man myself but I like these mountains better.  I’d like to tap those rockies.

Much can be said bout Alcohol, but only one point is both valid and matters.  It makes Trashed Girlfriends do this.  I rest my case, alcohol must be good, because the titties I am looking at are all good.

This could be a classic example of but her, her body is bangin but her face don’t matter.  Who gives a damn if this chick is ugly, it late were both drunk and look at those titties.  Trashed Girlfriends brings you 1000’s of Trashed Girlfriends, either ready to or just getting fucked.

Posted By Rhino on 07/23/09 - Bookmark Skank Bomb

I have to say, there has never been a better time to be in the kank business. And, Gracie Glam makes for one hot little skank!

She was willing to take cock in every orifice and ended up with a sticky cream pie and a fist full of cash. How? Gracie was crazy enough to take the Bikini Party challenge!

What is the Bikini Party challenge?

The Bikini Party crew puts together a hot set of bikini babes that think they are part of a contest. Well… they are part of a contest! Only not the kind of glamour modeling contest they had in mind.

Girls like Gracie Glam take things to another level once they find out the only way they can score cash at the Bikini Party is by showing off their unique talents in the sack. Hey, why have this contest be any different than Miss America?

Hot babes and skimpy bikinis make this site a winner. Unfortunately there are not many Bikini Party episodes yet. Technically this site hasn’t even opened yet!

Here at Skank Bomb we found a way to experience the site anyway!

Click on a Bikini Party link and it will drop you off at the Reality Kings network. You get 18 amazing porn sites for the price of one. Not only that, you also get sites from the Muffia network too! Just stay a member of Reality Kings and Muffia sites will be added to your membership!

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