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Posted By Rhino on 12/23/12 - Bookmark Skank Bomb
3LsS5J95QS 226831 2fLSnYhRGf

Two of these ladies aren’t really ladies. Can you tell which ones are which? Is it is the blonde porn star? The high school girl from Mexico? The fake tits babe in the pool hiding her Adam’s apple?

Find out which of these babes is a shemale at” rel=”nofollow” “. Once you have your gauge working correctly send the link to some of your friends or share it at a party on your phone. See how many of your friends would end up getting piped in the ass if they passed out with a tranny at the party.


Use the barcode scanner app in your cell phone to load into your phones Internet browser and then share it.

I whipped out an iPad last night at a party and tested a group of friends only to find out one of them has been banging tranny girls are years. They aren’t my cup of tea, but he had no shame in doing it.

Blogged Under: Bikinis,Multi Models
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Posted By Rhino on 12/20/12 - Bookmark Skank Bomb


OK. I will agree with you that this bitch looks like she is in an odd predicament if you will agree that it is actually kind of hot. You never know what is around the bend when it comes to Goth sex movies from Some of them are tame, most of them are slutty and a few like this one are like firecrackers in your pants.

I don’t know what to make of seeing her tits tied up like that. She tied the knots herself. Crazy Goth bitch! I will say I wouldn’t mind slapping them hard and I bet you she would let me!

Those busty German Emo girls love their bondage films. Who are we to judge? I am sure if there were cameras rolling when we do things like fuck jelly filled donuts or banana peels the average Jane would have some disgusting things to say about our behavioral choices too.

Don’t hate, congratulate!

Blogged Under: Amateurs,Hardcore,Masturbation
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