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Posted By Rhino on 09/22/06 - Bookmark Skank Bomb
College FuckFest

Guys, we have all gone to some college party where we see all kinds of drunk crazy bitches and thought we were going to see a college fuckfest. How many time have you guys gone to a party and actually brought the drunk bitch home or even better actualy fucked that bitch at the party just like the guy in the pic.

The only site on the net that actually goes out to college parties and gets real college girls to fuck on a video is So just remember next time your a college party and plan to drink you never know where and who you will end up in bed with, shit you might end up on

Booze+College Girls=, with out a doubt. So you if cant make it to the next party dont worry about it just log on to and check it out.

Find More College FuckFest!

Blogged Under: Springbreak
2 Comments | Write Comment


  1. skankbomb is the bomb love it

    Comment by ron — January 4, 2008 @ 5:41 am

  2. Who is the girl? And which part is it?

    Comment by John — October 22, 2009 @ 5:43 pm

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