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Posted By Rhino on 01/05/10 - Bookmark Skank Bomb

blonde coed

I went to college to get a degree and hopefully use it to obtain a decent job that had medical benefits and a 401K. While there I learned that you can make money reviewing porn sites. A lot of money. After giving it some thought I dropped out and started writing blogs fulltime.

One of the things I miss about college is the young, impressionable girls! So many hotties without a clue and all it takes is a little alcohol and you can bang two of them at the same time!

The Dare Dorm didn’t exist during my stint in college. I wish it did because I could have really used the money back then. The Dare Dorm is available to your now. $10K paid if they like your video. Fuck scholarships and all of that jazz. Just get some babes drunk and borrow a decent video camera. You’ll be paying off those student loans in no time!

So in this episode the girls are playing beer pong. Drunk beer pong. The losers have to suck down beer and a body part of the winners choosing. Being college beer pong the teams are coed and the girls don’t mind a little coed kissing and going down on each other!

Every week is bombarded with videos. Uncut and uncensored videos of what goes on behind closed dorm room doors. But, this is a competition first, so the videos are getting crazier and crazier as coeds compete for the $10K!

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